Behara Subhakar Polytechnic is one of the college located in , Visakhapatnam. It is affiliated with , the college specializes in Engineering courses, including , for students who meet the eligibility of respectively. The campus, located at GVMC Ward No 57, Narva, Gopalapatnam, India, focuses on academic excellence. Visit about Fee Structure, Ranking, Placements and admission procedure in Behara Subhakar Polytechnic.
Behara Subhakar Polytechnic was established in 2013 as a Private Educational Institution.
The adress, and contact numbers for Behara Subhakar Polytechnic are given below.
Behara Subhakar Polytechnic
GVMC Ward No 57, Narva, Gopalapatnam
Pincode: 530027
☎ 0891- 6467777
Mobile Numbers☎ 8096951452
Stream: Engineering
Approved By: AICTE,
Distance Learning: No