Tecnia Institute of Teacher Education is one of the college located in , New Delhi. It is affiliated with , the college specializes in Education courses, including , for students who meet the eligibility of respectively. The campus, located at F-19, Sector-8, Rohini, India, focuses on academic excellence. Visit https://tite.tecnia.in/ about Fee Structure, Ranking, Placements and admission procedure in Tecnia Institute of Teacher Education.
The college offers 2 streams. The course name, fees, eligibility for the stream, and duration of the stream are given in the following table.
Course Name | Fees | Eligibility | Duration |
Diploma in Elementary Education [D.El.Ed.] | 80000 Total Fees | 10+2 with 50% | 2 years |
Diploma | 65,000 - 86,000 Total Fees | 10+2 | 2 years |
In Diploma stream, the collesge offers following courses with a duration of 2 years. The course name, fees, and cutoff rank for each course has been given in the following table.
Diploma Course Name | Fees | Cutoff (Rank) |
Pre - School Education | 65000 | NA |
Special Education (Hearing Impairment) | 86000 | NA |
Special Education (Visual Impairment) | 86000 | NA |
Special Education (Multiple Disabilities) | 86000 | NA |
Special Education (Intellectual Disability) | 86000 | NA |
The adress, and contact numbers for Tecnia Institute of Teacher Education are given below.
Tecnia Institute of Teacher Education
F-19, Sector-8, Rohini
Pincode: 110085
☎ +91-11 – 27948904
Website: https://tite.tecnia.in/
Stream: Education
Distance Learning: No